Lazy Sunday Afternoon

The mornings are cool, but the heat and the humidity of the day will force even the most determined gardeners into the house. The Engawa or Veranda is my favorite place to spend hot summer afternoons. It is a place for work, for conversation, to entertain and to relax; an essential part of the traditional Japanese house and garden. Building costs, materials, and maintenance are just a few reasons why many Japanese modern houses lack them. Also, most Japanese prefer new things to old, and since prefab houses are the new norm and most working Japanese don’t have the time to maintain a traditional house, unfortunately, these days the Engawa’s days are numbered. It’s a shame really, since the breeze flows through Japanese houses and a high roof means the interior is cooler; a simple fan is all that is needed.

Today, it must be ninety degrees with ninety percent humidity. Sitting on the Veranda, drinking some cold brewed iced coffee that I prepared yesterday, and listening to the sound of running water in the garden is a wonderful lazy afternoon treat. Tonight……what will we have to eat…..Hmmm….Lemme think….Ok, I’ll think some more after I close my eyes for a spell.

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